Contact us

Anja Lanius-Kastien

Phone: +49171 1035508

Pliersgasse 5
55430 Oberwesel


How to find us

Highway exit A61 Laudert/Oberwesel

After the exit, turn right and drive past Wiebelsheim into the valley towards Oberwesel, approx. 11 km. Coming through the Engehöll, drive straight ahead at the traffic island in Oberwesel onto the Bundesstraße 9.

Turn left and continue for approx. 300 meters. You can park on the left-hand side of the B9 at the Viking jetty. Go through the railroad underpass to reach the house, which is the first one on the right-hand side.


  • Hahn Airport, approx. 57 km
  • Frankfurt am Main Airport, approx. 80 km
  • Cologne / Bonn Airport, approx. 140 km


From Oberwesel station approx. 1 km. From the exit turn right towards Liebfrauenkirche. Follow Liebfrauenstraße into the old town, past the town hall, and then take the 2nd street (Pliersgasse) on the right after the market square. The last house on the left is the Ferienhaus.

We wish you a pleasant journey.